Theater De Spiegel


Falling, stepping, rolling, twirling, breathing, sighing.
Jumping, running, dancing, falling, and rising again.

Two dancers and three musicians join the audience in an exploration of the farthest reaches of our bodies – how do you move? How do I move? And what truly gets you grooving?

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de Spiegel- Aorta
© Senne Van Loock



  • Basistarief: € 10,00
  • UiTPAS-houder: € 9,00
  • UiTPAS met kansentarief: € 2,00


GC de Kam
Beekstraat 172
1970 Wezembeek-Oppem

In an installation exploring the human body, new figures come to life, while musicians delve into the musical themes of string quartets by Crumb, Debussy, Dvořák, Glass, Ligeti, Schubert, Shostakovich, Villa-Lobos...

The audience sits in a circle, and after the performance, they are invited to spin, touch, and participate in a fun-oriented circle dance, amidst an infectious whirlpool of movement.

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