Janis sings

Janis Joplin en sixtiesmuziek

It was a unique era, the 1960s. Women suddenly singing rock, black and white performers sharing stages and venues, the advent of the first rock festivals, genres blending together: rock, soul, folk, psychedelics...

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Janis sings
© Kras



  • Basistarief: € 22,00
  • UiTPAS-houder: € 19,80
  • UiTPAS met kansentarief: € 4,40


GC de Kam
Beekstraat 172
1970 Wezembeek-Oppem

Janis Sings immerses you in the year 1969: the era of hippies, flower power, the fashion of the time, the atmosphere of peace & love, the liquid light shows, the quirky guitars, and the whirlwind of classics from pop and rock history. Janis Sings revives Janis Joplin’s most famous songs - 'Piece of My Heart', 'Mercedes Benz', 'Me & Bobby McGee’ – along with those of her contemporaries.

Featuring Karen Boelaerts as Janis Joplin, a five-piece rock band and a psychedelic light show.

Listen to a music clip here.

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